Claudio Procida
2008-02-21 14:27:11 UTC
- "to-number" autocompletion, after typing the first character (plus
sign in my case) the first phone number is inserted, and the cursor
advances to the end of the string, this makes typing a phone number in
the format +3165... etc. very awkward, try it for yourself
This is a known bug under Leopard. I would try... if I could: stillsign in my case) the first phone number is inserted, and the cursor
advances to the end of the string, this makes typing a phone number in
the format +3165... etc. very awkward, try it for yourself
Tiger here :(
- ctrl+a (select all) does not work in the to-number field, as soon as
some text is in it
This should be a consequence of the above bug.some text is in it
- message field: it is not possible to select text with a pointer drag
This is a known issue, too!- after sending an SMS there is no quick way to select all text, to
delete it, and start typing a brand new message
Yep, there is: Cmd + Backspace clears the composer buffer.delete it, and start typing a brand new message
- when the message is longer than 160 chars (after a copy paste), I
also get the "Enter recipient, username and password" error message,
maybe this helps?
Message length is not calculated when receiving a drag / drop or copy /also get the "Enter recipient, username and password" error message,
maybe this helps?
paste. I will mark this as a requested feature.
Best regards,