Say hello to websmslib (kinda like that)
2008-08-28 13:36:24 UTC
Hello guys,
My name is Daniele and I'm a student/indie mac dev.
During these days I've talked with Claudio about a porting of websms
widget on iPhone platform; unfortunatly iPhone OS at this time don't
include curl library and seems to be impossible to use the original
code (and my knownledge of javascript is very limited).
So I've decided to take source, read and understand it in order to
make a port in objective-c/cocoa; at this time it's very limited (in
fact I need to implement several things, like captcha, handle some
exceptions, and the code is a bit dirty) but I've sent successfully
sms messages using one italian carrier (I'm talking about Tele 2).
Websmslib is a set of classes you can use in thirdy party clients (and
yes I'll distribuite it under GPL license, same of WebSMS widgets)
both in Mac OS X and iPhone platform without limitations.
I hope to put online something soon but there is not any official
release plan (I'm working on it in my spare time...).
If anyone is interested it I'm here :-)
